Heal Your Symptoms with Energy Medicine

Address the root cause of illness to discover lasting relief by integrating the power of energy medicine into your health efforts.

If you're ready to heal chronic illness, it's time to try energy medicine.

Revolutionizing Wellness: What is Energy Medicine and Its Impact on Mind, Body and Soul?

Your body naturally knows how to heal. This ability gets blocked by stress of all kinds and can need repair.  

Energy medicine takes all of you into account, mind, body, soul and energy, to heal the root cause of illness.

In my practice, I focus on letting your body show me where your energy is blocked so I can repair your body's healing ability, using a healing process that is gentle yet profoundly powerful.

Without side effects, invasive therapies, or the discomfort of having to relive past stressors and trauma, energy medicine gently releases the impact of the past.

Healing should address the root cause of illness, not simply treat symptoms. Energy medicine repairs your energy, setting the stage for long lasting health.

Patient Centered Care.

Expert energy healing tailored to your unique needs. Every single time.

Receive precision energy medicine focused on healing your symptoms - mind, body and spirit -  in each and every session.

Tell me more!

Decrease your stress in just ten minutes! Try my complimentary 10-minute digital energy medicine session right now.

I'm ready to start healing!

Hi, I'm Sarah Lascano.

It took a personal health crisis for me to delve into the world of energy medicine, which not only allowed me to heal from a number of painful, frustrating symptoms but also taught me how to cleanse your energy for overall well-being, guided by my skills as an intuitive energy healer.

And I want you to experience the same powerful transformation. 

My clients, who have faced a wide array of health challenges such as chronic pain, cancer, IBD, PANDAS, chronic strep infections, debilitating anxiety, multiple food sensitivities, heart-attack recovery, and PTSD, have found relief and rejuvenation. I have even made strides with 'untreatable' symptoms like brain injury, infections unresponsive to traditional treatments, and stage 4 cancer. As an intuitive energy healer, my approach is unique, using my innate ability to intuitively read the body, combined with focused energy medicine techniques. A fundamental part of this healing process is teaching clients how to cleanse their energy, a crucial step towards holistic healing. By tapping into my clients' innate wisdom, I uncover what is blocking their body's ability to heal. This allows me to remove those blocks, setting the stage for the body's detoxing, healing, and restoring to optimal health.  

I can’t wait to create a tailored approach that works for your body and your symptoms. My digital healing programs make my services available to all. My unique approach makes me a valuable asset to medical teams looking to incorporate mind-body medicine to boost their patient outcomes.

Experience quantum energy healing that is created for you and your body.

Why people love it...

"I used to take over 14 different prescription medications per day for over 10 years, some for 20: anti-anxiety, sleep aids, antidepressants, fibromyalgia medication, pain pills. I couldn't walk up a flight of stairs or walk around the block, I was in so much pain. I never thought I would be free of meds. Now I am off them all and I can't believe it! It is miraculous!"  -Tisha

"I've been working as a healthcare provider for 15 years and I'm blown away by Sarah's knowledge, skill, and understanding of the body and how to help it heal. I've had great success and relief from chronic symptoms in a relatively short period of time since working with Sarah. She is a very grounded individual and I always feel calmer and safe in her presence. I'm telling all my patients about her and would certainly recommend." -Caroline

“Sarah Lascano is the real deal!! She helped me so much after my heart attack with panic and anxiety with her energy healing sessions. I continue to use her Elevate series when I start feeling some of my stress creep back in. I cannot recommend her enough!!"  -Mary

Check out more life-changing testimonials here.

The Monthly Mini.

Heal your body and mind in just 5 minutes with relevant energy healing focused on balancing you to current energies each month.

See More Monthly Mini Sessions
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